Centos 7 takes 2Gb Ram after 3,4 idle hours


My Centos 7 Server takes from 160Mb to 2Gb Ram after 3,4 idle hours without any applications or services running, See htop response for more detail Htop Response . Whenever I start my apps (elasticsearch 1.4Gb and Spring Java app 300Mb) with early state 160Mb Ram. At first it shows 1.9Gb, after 1 day, it becomes 3.4/3.7, CPU 1 - 10%, very slow and unresponsive for almost actions. Some topics says that it's for caching file system, but maybe something is wrong here. Please give me some suggestions.

[ngocchien@localhost ~]$ free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           3792        1968        1572          24         250        1609
Swap:             0           0  


Posted 2018-07-30T16:55:00.603

Reputation: 101

what does top / htop show? – jeremysprofile – 2018-08-01T15:01:49.787

Please see the link "Htop Response" in the question. My account has not yet permitted to attach an image. – ngocchien – 2018-08-01T17:37:58.013

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