(For Desktop)
Sometimes, when I'm reading, I raise the zoom level to ease the reading. In some cases this works well (for instance, superuser site), however, other sites (example: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Custom%20keyboard%20layout%20definitions) don't respect the end of the screen and part of text is hidden (you need to scroll horizontally to see it).
Since this only happens in some sites, is obviously not Chrome's fault, but it would be nice if the browser could handle that.
Same issue, although the zoom works a bit differently, and I'm not at all sure that would be possible for Chrome to "fix it".
(Out of curiosity, any other browser solves this issue? I think Opera sorted this out maybe 10 years ago, but nowadays being just a clone...)
I think such behavior dictated by CSS layout of a site - if you meant wrapping possibility on zooming – Alex – 2018-07-28T22:14:28.623