Characters in any game start moving automatically


Characters in games are running automatically. When I start GTA the character runs forward. When I start Adventure time the camera rotates automatically. Even when I start Unity, start the survival shooter asset and press the play button, it starts to run to the left.

How do I fix this problem?

I'm running on Windows 7, 64 bits.


Posted 2018-07-27T09:13:01.857

Reputation: 15

5It sounds like you have a stuck key on your keyboard. – Mokubai – 2018-07-27T09:16:47.650

5↑↑ or joystick/pad! – bertieb – 2018-07-27T09:18:09.883

2↑↑ Joystick throttle maybe. Not even stuck, just in a certain position. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2018-07-27T09:23:39.697

I remove my keyboard and started the game but the same thing hapened. – pra9 – 2018-07-27T09:30:57.573

2Check what inputs the game uses to do the corresponding action and one of them is probably stuck. Did you try to just reboot your system in case its some software fault? – Seth – 2018-07-27T10:04:22.727

You mention Unity. Are you running this in a virtual machine? If so, what's your host operating system? What's your virtualization software? If it's Fusion see if changing Preferences>General>Gaming to "Always optimize mouse for games" makes a difference. – User5910 – 2018-07-27T13:32:24.083



This All was happening due to v joy. V joy is a software that assign keyboard key to a joystick or game controller button. There was a error in v joy that constantly send a joystick signal to games.I just uninstalled V joy and restated my computer and the games worked fine.I downloaded v joy last Month to play two player games. That it.


Posted 2018-07-27T09:13:01.857

Reputation: 15