Why SuperPuTTY needs ALT+TAB+TAB to switch to other window in Win 10



Behavior is very similar to Why do I have to hit tab twice to Alt+Tab away from Microsoft Excel? it is just related to SuperPuTTY.

I need to hit alt+tab+tab to switch to other application. Even if I have multiple tabs opened, there is just one PuTTY in task bar.


Posted 2018-07-24T13:19:50.423

Reputation: 135



You will find why in this issue comments: https://github.com/jimradford/superputty/issues/216

It seems that Windows sees both SuperPUTTY and the Putty inside it as two separate applications: the first alt+tab moves you from Putty to SuperPUTTY, the second tab from SuperPUTTY to the next application.


Posted 2018-07-24T13:19:50.423

Reputation: 36

Thanks! It seems that's an issue I experienced. – Betlista – 2018-10-25T09:21:38.300