rsync on Cygwin: rsync: [sender] write error: Connection reset by peer (104)


I'm trying to rsync some files to my phone from Windows, using Cygwin. I'm trying to make it work via ssh on USB tethering as described in the comments here. I have SSHelper on my phone. My command is

rsync -avzHP --inplace --no-p --chmod=ugo=rwX --info=progress2 -e 'ssh -p 2222' *

and generates an “rsync: [sender] write error: Connection reset by peer (104)” error.

The strange thing is that it worked for a while before, to stop giving this error, and now every attempt generates the same error. What can I do?

I get analogous errors if I try via Wi-Fi.

Eärendil Baggins

Posted 2018-07-23T18:17:10.917

Reputation: 131

can you stil connect with ssh ? – matzeri – 2018-07-24T04:13:03.557

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