How does Disk Cleanup determine whether an old Windows installation exists?


How does the Disk Cleanup utility determine whether there is an old Windows installation present? I notice that just creating a Windows.old directory with a file inside doesn't cause it to detect the directory as an old installation.

Are there key files within the directory that it checks for, is it a combination of the directory name with some flags, or is it something else entirely?

Additionally, if a valid old installation of Windows was renamed from Windows.old to something else, would it still be detected?


Posted 2018-07-21T23:26:25.370

Reputation: 1 106

1I must admit, you have me curious: why do you ask? – Run5k – 2018-07-21T23:28:52.330

1@Run5k Purely interest! – VortixDev – 2018-07-21T23:32:40.517

1I expect it is looking for a combination of things. I doubt you will find any official documentation regarding this. As with any OS, there is a great deal about Windows that is not documented. – LMiller7 – 2018-07-22T03:53:08.157


While this answer does not directly answer your question. It is indeed related. Disk Cleanup knows a previous installation exists, likely thanks to that process, and an educated guess that a flag exists in the registry.

– Ramhound – 2018-07-22T04:59:51.987

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