Can you please help me in deleting a registry folder?


I need to delete this folder {018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}

From the location HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\C urrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace

So, anyone please help me with the commands so that i can make a .reg file to delete the folder. Thanks in advance.

Justin Thomas

Posted 2018-07-16T11:48:37.593

Reputation: 11


Why are you trying to remove OneDrive? Just hide it from within File Explorer instead removal of the key won’t remove OneDrive. I cannot recommend the removal of that key.

– Ramhound – 2018-07-16T11:54:45.610

Why do yoou want a .reg file instead of just opening Regedit and deleting it? This feels like it might be an XY Problem

– EBGreen – 2018-07-16T11:56:19.130

I dont use one drive Ramhound. By the way, how did you know it was ondrive. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T11:57:27.723

EBgreen. Using a .reg file will be more easier in the future, right. Thats why :) – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T11:58:03.317

Gronostaj i am not stuck. I know how to access regedit and delete it manually. But dont know how to create commands for deleting it with a .reg file. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T11:59:25.247

@JustinThomas - I am smart. I know stuff. If you don’t want to give the necessary background to help you that’s your prerogative – Ramhound – 2018-07-16T12:01:32.383

I have no idea if that is right or not. For instance if you are in a corporate environment I would say that a GPO would be a better solution. A script in SCCM would be more maintainable IMO as well. Regardless if you don't want to provide background information that is your perogative. – EBGreen – 2018-07-16T12:01:50.653

Ramhound, I know removal of the key wont remove onedrive. I have uninstalled it. And also hidden it. But there is this one more place where the onedrive shows up and the only way to hide it is to delete the above specified folder. So if anyone knew the commands to delete a folder inside a folder in regedit, that would be helpful. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T12:05:12.553

If i have to do the same in 100 computers it would be easy to have a .reg file other than locating the folder right. Thats why :) – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T12:17:13.717

Except that if you have to do 100 computers GPO is generally a better method or a scripted solution through a configuration management tool like SCCM or Altiris or even AppSense is generally a more maintainable method. – EBGreen – 2018-07-16T12:25:26.620

Regardless, the magic that you are looking for to do it with a reg file is - – EBGreen – 2018-07-16T12:35:57.193

I got an answer EBGreen :) – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T12:58:30.917

@JustinThomas - If you have to perform this task on a 100 different machines, you have not identified the correct thing to do, because this registry key would exist for every single user on each of those 100 machines. After you removed the key, you did perform a restart, otherwise it woudln't work. – Ramhound – 2018-07-16T14:29:07.873



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Though it maybe even easier to do this in a Command Prompt open as admin:

reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6} /f


Posted 2018-07-16T11:48:37.593

Reputation: 11 200

Both methods are not working. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T14:19:38.090

@JustinThomas - You asked us how to delete the registry file by creating a .reg file. The instructions in this answer, indicate how to do that, if it's not working you need to provide more information other then "it's not working" by editing your question. – Ramhound – 2018-07-16T14:24:51.797

I meant that the reg file created by using this methods havent deleted the key folder. The key foldrer is still there after the execution. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T14:39:27.520

@JustinThomas Did you run it as a admin or the batch file as admin some parts of the registry are read-only otherwise. – cybernard – 2018-07-16T15:26:14.057

Yes, i did run it as administrator. Anyways, i'll do it manually itself. Thank you :) – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T15:51:16.893

@JustinThomas That is weird because I tested it on my PC and it worked. – cybernard – 2018-07-16T16:35:41.910

It worked? May be, i am doing something wrong then. I have also tried to create a test folder and changed the commands as Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace{test}] and extecuted it. Still the folder was there. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T17:32:11.057

How did you execute it? – EBGreen – 2018-07-16T18:33:29.723

Right click and run as administrator of course. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T18:43:25.417 The howtogeek guy has added the reg tool (.reg file) to remove/hide onedrive showing up on our windows explorer. But he missed one place where onedrive shows up. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T18:52:55.253

Anyways i'll remove the onedrive manually. Thanks. – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T18:55:02.580


Disclaimer - Modifying the registry without having some understanding of it can result in serious damage to your PC. I would recommend doing some reading up on it, or at the very least doing a system backup. If you still want to delete a folder do so at your own risk!

  1. Open regedit. From run prompt win +r type regedit and hit enter.
  2. In the left pane navigate to the path you specified. Either just follow the folder structure or paste in the path in to the nav bar above.

  3. Right click on the desired folder and delete Registry editor

Edit - to delete a key with a .reg file add a hyphen before the path to the key

e.g. Something like this should do the trick

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}]


Posted 2018-07-16T11:48:37.593

Reputation: 81

1I want to help you avoid down votes for trying to help so I will point out that the OP explicitly does not want to delete using the GUI. – EBGreen – 2018-07-16T12:09:58.083

1Gytis, That didn't help. But thank you for your time in helping a rookie :) – Justin Thomas – 2018-07-16T12:22:04.927