web (html) gui building software


I am in need of a software (preferablly free/open source) which facilitates fast and easy creation of html form and controls with proper styling. Similar to MachForms.

This utility saves me a lot of time but there is one limitation of using it. The source code remains with the server only.

Help me find a capable solution.


Gaurav Sharma

Posted 2010-04-23T07:38:45.967

Reputation: 519

Are you looking for frameworks/toolkits or WYSIWYG-Editors? – Bobby – 2010-04-23T08:48:36.350

@Bobby : I am looking for a WYSIWYG editors – Gaurav Sharma – 2010-04-23T09:01:38.760

@random : That post is for planning the interface only. The one that you create before you actually start developing a website. The solution that I need should be able to make the process of creating forms a breeze. – Gaurav Sharma – 2010-04-23T09:05:01.013



found this one. I think this one would definitely help me in designing time.

Gaurav Sharma

Posted 2010-04-23T07:38:45.967

Reputation: 519


Have you tried Kompozer?


Posted 2010-04-23T07:38:45.967

Reputation: 1 879

i think it does not support drag and drop support for html controls. Does it ? – Gaurav Sharma – 2010-04-23T09:10:30.677

I'm sorry but it's been more than 2 years since I last used a WYSYWYG editor, and I can't remember.. :/ – Joril – 2010-04-23T12:04:57.893


There are plenty for free HTML builders out there. I used Nvu and its good or Coffee-Cup Free HTML editor


Posted 2010-04-23T07:38:45.967

Reputation: 9 930