What is the CDE/Motif keyboard shortcut for selecting all the text in a text box?


What is the keyboard shortcut for selecting all the text in a text box in CDE (or Motif generally)?

In CDE, text boxes support Emacs/Readline style keyboard shortcuts, so for instance Ctrl+A moves the cursor the beginning of the line. However Readline doesn't have a concept of a selection as far as I can tell, and Emacs' marking shortcuts don't seem to be supported.


Posted 2018-07-10T22:03:21.413

Reputation: 2 276



It's usually Ctrl + /.

Previous alternative:

For now, the best I can come up with is to do the selection in multiple steps, using the navigation keys that work with Shift selection:

  1. Go to the beginning of the text: Home, or Ctrl +
  2. Hold down Shift to do a selection
  3. With Shift held down, go to the end of the text: End, or Ctrl +

This at least has the advantage that it works the same way in CDE, GTK+, and Qt apps.


Posted 2018-07-10T22:03:21.413

Reputation: 2 276