Preserve 'read' permission using 'tar' and 'copy' commands


I have 2 servers in different domains. I use 3rd server to run batch script. All servers have cygwin installed hence I use Linux shell commands as well. All server could talk to each other. The goal: copy a folder from source server to destination. Since it has a million files in it I am going to use tar utility. I am able to run the script on 3rd server and create a tar file from source folder, copy it to destination folder and untag it. It works fine ... except folders and files on destination server can't be opened because I have an error: access denied. I see that files don't have 'read' permission. If I run chmod a+r * on files it works fine. Note: I use the same user on all servers. How could I preserve 'read' access to the files? I will attach my batch later:

SET SRC1=\\source-server\D$ 
 SET CMD1=pushd %SRC1% 
 SET SRC2=MyTar\ 
 SET SRC3=result.tar 
 SET CMD2=tar cfpz %SRC2%%SRC3% %SRC2% 
 SET DST1=\\destination-server\D$ 
 SET CMD3=copy %SRC2%%SRC3% %DST1% /y 
 SET CMD4=pushd %DST1% 
 SET CMD5=tar xfpz %SRC3% 



Posted 2018-07-05T01:12:40.327

Reputation: 447

Have the the 3 users the same SID ? You can have it from mkpasswd | grep your_user | awk 'BEGIN { FS=":"}; {print $5}' – matzeri – 2018-07-08T05:27:34.287

Well I checked that 2 servers i.e. the one where source files are located and the one where I'm running the script has the same user with the same SID. But the user on destination-server i.e. where I open tar file is not listed in mkpasswd at all – susik – 2018-07-08T15:04:33.433

I think that I have to add user to destination server since mkpasswd does not list it. Could someone give a hint how to add the user in order mkpasswd list it? Thanks – susik – 2018-07-09T23:33:39.987

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