How can I get openRTSP working on windows


I would like to stream an RTSP stream to my machine in windows 10.

How can I get openRTSP working on windows?

Have you tried it, and did it work?


Posted 2018-06-30T23:05:32.850

Reputation: 575



You can find here git Compile with vs2010, pay attention that in file playCommon.cpp ip are hardcoded. Also windows signals not implemented i.e. on closing exe, it will not send TEARDOWN to server.

Bogdan Wood

Posted 2018-06-30T23:05:32.850

Reputation: 1


openRTSP - A command line program. Hence, We can execute by the openRTSP application using a terminal application like git-bash in windows.

syntax to execute the application: Usage: D:\PATH\TO\openRTSP.exe [-p ] [-r|-q|-4|-i] [-a|-v] [-V] [-d ] [-D [-c] [-S ] [-n] [-O] [-t|-T ] [-u ] [-s ]|[-U ] [-E ] [-z ] [-g user-agent] [-k ] [-P ] [-K] [-w -h ] [-f ] [-y] [-H] [-Q []] [-F ] [-b ] [-B ] [-I ] [-m] [|-R []] (or D:\live555\live\testProgs\openRTSP.exe -o [-V] )

Eg: Suppose, If we need to stream the IP camera through this application, then use the following command ./openRTSP rtsp://admin:admin@

note: "admin" is the username and passwords for some IP cameras.

syntax: rtsp://< ipaddress : port >/sample/media

Abdullah Farweez

Posted 2018-06-30T23:05:32.850

Reputation: 109