How do I migrate my Transmission state & settings to another user account?


Suppose I want to migrate my transmission configuration settings and current "state" (which torrents are active, which are paused, etc.) - from one user account to another, either on the same machine or another machine.

What actions do I need to take?


Posted 2018-06-27T21:41:02.420

Reputation: 5 032



It seems you need to:

  • Make sure the new user has write and execute access to the "Save to" and "Incomplete" torrent directories the old user was working with, or move the old user directories to someplace accessible to the new one
  • Copy the the old user's $HOME/.config/transmission directory to the same location for the new user.
  • Finally (i.e. after replicating the configuration), and using either the UI or editing $HOME/.config/transmission/settings.json update the directories for the new user according to whether you've moved the old directories or made them accessible otherwise. (The relevant settings are "download-dir" and "incomplete-dir".)

Note: If the new user already has a Tranmission profile, you'll be overwriting your settings.json and dht.dat file, but you should merge your stats.json values (manually is fine, it's just a few numbers). The rest of it will be automatically "merged" since those are separate .torrent and .resume files in two subdirectories (and perhaps blocklist data, although that's usually empty).


Posted 2018-06-27T21:41:02.420

Reputation: 5 032