Ubuntu stops auto-mounting flash drive


It seems that after being up for a few days, my Ubuntu system refuses to auto-mount hot-plugged USB disks (i.e. flash drives). The output from dmesg shows that the kernel recognizes the device correctly. The only solution I'm aware of at the moment is to reboot (logging out may work as well, but the impact is the same since I have a bunch of stuff open and it takes a few minutes to get everything situated after startup/login).

I thought gvfs-fuse-daemon was the thing responsible for managing filesystems in userspace, but killing and restarting that doesn't help. Any other ideas?

(Ubuntu 9.10, gnome, 64-bit)


Posted 2010-04-21T18:51:27.770

Reputation: 1 009



here is a link to a solution I found. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udev#Known_Problems_with_Auto-Loading

basically the rules file stop to exist and they cause problems.


Posted 2010-04-21T18:51:27.770

Reputation: 16

Your link was broken, in the future perhaps copy/paste the contents, as well as source?: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Udev#Known_problems_with_auto-loading

– isaaclw – 2014-01-15T03:32:35.797


Try updating your installed packages especially hal and dbus.

If this doesn't work, please post which desktop you are running... (KDE, Gnome, etc?)

UPDATE: Apparently, this is a widespread problem after the last (Kernel) update... I recommend checking https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/564459 on a regular base for a solution.


Posted 2010-04-21T18:51:27.770

Reputation: 27 374

Packages are all up-to-date (Gnome, Ubuntu 9.10). Auto-mounting USB disks works for a while (whether they are plugged before boot or not), but at some point auto-mounting no longer works. – Brian – 2010-04-21T19:20:36.373

After it stops working, plug the USB disk in and post the output of the mount command. – BloodPhilia – 2010-04-21T19:34:14.423