Replace special chararcters in a 60MB file


I have a big text file. 200,000 lines. 60MB.

I would like to replace :

& -> &
Ë -> Ë
Ê -> Ê

Any simple idea please ? (Textpad or Notepad++?)

Edit : Thanks for the ideas. I want to search and replace not only theses 2 occurences but all the special chars ( ÌÍÎÏÐetc....)

Jean Calmer

Posted 2018-06-15T12:59:46.127

Reputation: 1

3Notepad: Edit -> Replace. Find what = & Replace with = & Ë – Eric F – 2018-06-15T13:01:01.307

Powershell command line (Get-Content "file.txt").replace("&", "&") | Set-Content "file.txt" – Pimp Juice IT – 2018-06-15T13:27:01.680

1-1 Why don't you try it with regular notepad first on a small file. You haven't shown what you're really struggling with that makes the task you ask about here so difficult for you. Do you already know how to replace &asdf with qwerty in a small file? If not then find out how to do that. Do you even know how to replace "abc" with "def", if not then figure out that. Are you even aware of how to open notepad. How far have you got to trying to complete this problem you have? – barlop – 2018-06-15T13:50:44.890

Have a look at html_entity_decode

– Toto – 2018-06-15T14:13:10.707

Use EmEditor.

– Sandeep – 2018-06-15T14:41:26.280

If we're doing software recommendations, then try the free and open source Notepad++ as it can handle opening a 60 MB file just fine. Have you tried the PowerShell command I put up top? In that command in the replace() function you will ensure the first argument is the string to search for and the second argument is the string to replace with having both enclosed by double quotes and separated by a comma i.e. replace("arg1", "arg2"). Simply, easy, done, and move onto the next one.

– Pimp Juice IT – 2018-06-15T18:35:34.973



One of the solutions is to make the file a .html file (maybe add header and footer), open it in a web browser and copy the visible text to a new file. As seems that there are html special characters in this file.


Posted 2018-06-15T12:59:46.127

Reputation: 1 633