Is there a log file of RDP outgonig connections?


Is there windows log (file, registry, event log) where can I find information about outgoing RDP connection?

I'm looking for information like:

  • destination host (ip/hostname)
  • connection time
  • session duration
  • was connection successful?
  • how it was closed?

Important: This is reverse of Is there a log file for RDP connections? which is about incoming connection.


10:00 failed login to server X (authorization error)
10:01 successful login to server X (01:12:00)
12:31 successful login to server Y (00:05:41)
15:11 successful login to workstation iii.iii.ii.ii (00:10:10)


Posted 2018-06-12T12:20:21.573

Reputation: 167

Possible duplicate of Is there a log file for RDP connections?

– Moab – 2018-06-12T12:57:17.147

@Moab: The other is for incoming connections, while the poster asks about outgoing ones. – harrymc – 2018-06-12T13:56:31.103

If there is a log generated by windows it would have in and out connections. The question titles are an exact match. Is there an RDP log file? – Moab – 2018-06-12T16:38:44.457

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