In the [Icons] section I created 2 entries the first wil move any image to the "DropWall" folder, the second will launch my "InsideWallpaper.exe" using the same image:
Name: "{sendto}\FFStyled (I) set InsideWallpaper image";
Filename: "{app}\DropWall";
IconFilename: "{app}\FFDropWall.ico";
Tasks: sendtoicon
Name: "{sendto}\FFStyled (II) launch InsideWallpaper.exe";
Filename: "{app}\InsideWallpaper.exe";
IconFilename: "{app}\FFDropWall.ico";
Tasks: sendtoicon
all is working fine but I would prefer to create a single "send to" entry any Idea ?
first of all thanks for the nice editing any way I really prefer to find the solution using Inno Setup as I said the script is perfectly working but it will populate the user "send to" with 2 entries – frankell – 7 years ago
I doubt you will be able to achieve that without getting the manufacturer to do it, unless there is an installation script you can modify, in which case you'll need the information above to know what modifications to make. – AFH – 7 years ago