How to block dialog boxes in chrome?



For the following 2 reasons I am trying to block the dialog box pop-ups that the chrome browser itself occasionally presents:

  1. As a workaround for the in-ability to block uninstallation of chrome extensions.
  2. To block the grey boxes with questions because I find them annoying. (I accept the inabilities that follow from not having that interaction option with the browser.)

This is the type of popup that I am trying to block:

Example of such a grey box.

So far I explored all the conventional settings in the chrome browser. As far as I am aware they do not contain an option to block those dialog boxes.

An option would not be to write a script that continously presses the Esc key if the chrome browser is being used because that is a keyboard shortcut for the Stop button, so pressing it continuously would make the browser unusable as was mentioned in the answer. But perhaps a creative mind has a less intrusive option.


Posted 2018-06-03T09:07:21.183

Reputation: 269



You can't.

Those are dialog boxes. They are a standard part of interaction with the web browser, and cannot be disabled.

If you want to prevent an extension from being uninstalled, you can accomplish this with the ExtensionInstallForcelist policy setting.

As an aside, the Esc key is a keyboard shortcut for the Stop button, so pressing it continuously would make the browser unusable.

duskwuff -inactive-

Posted 2018-06-03T09:07:21.183

Reputation: 3 824

thank you! Just to be clear for those trying to do the same thing: that option is designed for the Open Source equivalent to the Chrome web browser; Chromium. And the process off applying that solution is documented and led to a new question about its implementation here: .

– a.t. – 2018-06-04T16:14:04.773

Read the first paragraph of the page I linked to. It addresses your question. – duskwuff -inactive- – 2018-06-04T16:30:14.680