buttons to revert and add item to menu aren't working


I right-clicked Applications -> clicked Edit Menu -> reset -> confirmed, but Ubuntu One, which I accidetanlly removed wasn't added.

Although Ubuntu One was removed, I tried to remove duplicated items in right-click Applications -> click Edit Menu -> Applications -> Others, but the duplicated items weren't removed.

How to solve these problems?


I uninstalled gnome-menus and libgnome-menu2, because of the post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=426204, but now Gnome App Central is gone from Applications menu.

Delirium tremens

Posted 2010-04-20T01:43:43.547

Reputation: 489

which version of Ubuntu? 9.10? 10.04? – quack quixote – 2010-04-20T22:34:34.320

the version is 9.10 – Delirium tremens – 2010-04-22T18:41:34.037

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