How to find out a laptop is 32 or 64 bit using DOS?



I bought one HP laptop, it only came up with DOS installed.

How do I get to know its 32 bit or 64 bit?

I am sure HP guys can help me out but I want to know a way to find it out via DOS.

More info:

  1. When I switch on my laptop it shows c prompt C:\> not BIOS.
  2. It has 15 core, i5 8th Gen Intel Processor

enter image description here


Posted 2018-05-28T16:21:11.237

Reputation: 167

Question was closed 2018-05-28T19:29:17.143

You tagged this windows but your title asks about DOS. Those are different things. Windows has not run on top of DOS since windows 95. – Hennes – 2018-05-28T16:29:13.837

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. – Ramhound – 2018-05-28T16:29:50.850

The DOS operating system is 16 bit. How old/new is your laptop? You may be thinking its DOS while it really is not. – LPChip – 2018-05-28T16:34:11.033

1@Cadmos - Your edit would significantly change the author's question, based on an assumption. HP does not sell laptops with MS-DOS. – Ramhound – 2018-05-28T16:39:11.197

DOS has almost no useful tools inside so you can't use it to find out information about the architecture. OTOH you almost can't find any 32-bit computers nowadays. All the CPUs produced by Intel and AMD in the last decade are 64-bit ones except a few early Atom CPUs, so you don't need to check – phuclv – 2018-05-28T16:49:48.967

@Ramhound author wrote about HP, not me. I can't just delete his "assumption" based on yours. – Cadmos – 2018-05-28T17:01:16.293

I agree with @Ramhound here. MS-DOS is so likely not being referred here. Its far more likely that OP sees a BIOS/text screen, possibly stating something like: "Bootloader missing." and just assumes this is DOS. For that reason, I referred back to the previous edit. – LPChip – 2018-05-28T18:07:22.130

But they do sell laptops with FreeDOS, no? Both my Asus laptop and my Dell came with FreeDOS as the default OS. The OP never specified MS-DOS if you want to get pedantic. – user1686 – 2018-05-28T18:15:41.990

To clear the speculation, please take a photo of the screen showing what you are referring to... It's quite possible that you are stuck in the BIOS (with no OS to load). Model numbers are also quite helpful to determine such information. – Attie – 2018-05-28T18:29:56.753

@Hennes that's so funny. I can't believe I did this mistake. – paul – 2018-05-29T04:27:13.943

Please clarify with an [edit] to your question: How do I get to know its 32 bit or 64 bit? Are you asking about the bitness of the CPU or the operating system? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-05-29T12:45:07.840

@TwistyImpersonator you are not joking, right? I was ROFL though. I am asking bitness of CPU/machine/laptop. It is a blank machine without what would suit it how would jump to bitness of OS. First I need to know system's bitness and accordingly OS's. Bitness :) – paul – 2018-05-29T13:29:53.277

@paul I'm not joking, though I'm glad the comment made you laugh. However, since you do not explicitly state that you're asking about the CPU, one must assume that is what you mean. However reasonable such an assumption may be, it still requires putting words in your mouth, an act that violates site standards. We need you, the OP, to remove the ambiguity from your question. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-05-29T13:53:06.470

1@Ramhound author uploaded a screenshot, so it was clearly your personal assumption that author "assumed" that he had DOS pre-installed on his laptop .. – Cadmos – 2018-05-29T14:45:08.077

1@Cadmos - FreeDOS != MS-DOS. I had no doubt the machine came with a DOS variation. – Ramhound – 2018-05-29T16:12:26.410



You can use CPU Identifier which is a DOS utility that displays information about your CPU architecture in DOS. Download it to a media device and transfer it in your laptop.

Use it in verbose mode for getting the maximum of the information you might need about your CPU

CHKCPU /V will print on your screen something like this

enter image description here

If it does not show whether the CPU supports 64-bit or not, you can see its Vendor and model and search on Google for factory specifications.


Posted 2018-05-28T16:21:11.237

Reputation: 182