how do I stop firefox from notifying me about updates?



I have Firefox 56, the last good version of the browser, where things I need in terms of performance, and functionality both still work. Im not going to update, EVER. (There are other browsers out there, but firefox worked so well for scripting.)

anyhow, Firefox keeps allerting me about updates. I have turned the updates off, in about:preferences

but firefox keeps bugging me. with notifications like these: No, I dont wanna update FF

and this: You suck FF updates....

I dont want to keep getting bothered by the notifications, how do I make them stop?


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 918


If you really want to stay on the "old" firefox (pre-quantum) why not try out Firefox ESR 52? At least that is patched and stay current (until Firefox ESR move on to Quantum which is on Firefox ESR 60 and ditch the old 52)

– Darius – 2018-05-24T01:34:46.130



From experimenting with Firefox config, just as a possible addition or alternative when solutions that have previously been suggested here are not enough.

After opening the about:config (typing about:config into the address bar and then pressing Enter), apply either or both of the following config items:

  • Search for app.update.silent, then set it to true
  • Search for app.update.url, then change it to a fake/non-existent URL

    For example, if the original is, I changed it to xxx


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 216

3Will this still allow manual updates? Without that url will it know where to look for updates so that I can manually request updates? – Nelda.techspiress – 2019-07-22T17:57:47.937

1In firefox 69 app.update.silent does not exist. – andrew lorien – 2020-01-30T22:58:42.230


This is just extension of previous answer.

Find the user preference file, named as prefs.js, in user specific folder.

  • Windows: %AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xyz.default\prefs.js
  • Linux: ~\.mozilla\firefox\xyz.default\prefs.js

Then add these following three lines. These preferences are of the boolean type. If you find any of these lines are already present, replace that with the following:

user_pref("", false);
user_pref("app.update.disable_button.showUpdateHistory", false);
user_pref("app.update.enabled", false);

Also if you want to remove the update URL, add these three lines. These preferences are string type:

user_pref("app.update.url", "");
user_pref("app.update.url.details", "");
user_pref("app.update.url.manual", "");

If these don't work delete/move these three files:

  1. update-settings.ini,
  2. updater.ini,
  3. updater.exe (updater in Linux).


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 6 640

If I delete the url how will it know where to look for updates when I run updates manually or does this eliminate my ability to manually update? – Nelda.techspiress – 2019-07-22T18:07:26.947

Also in newer versions, 67 and 68 I no longer have the setting it is now and setting it to false does not persist. – Nelda.techspiress – 2019-07-22T18:09:22.437

Also, go to about:support, notice the the "Update Folder" entry. Delete that directory, in case a previous check for updates populated it, and found an update. Once populated, even turning off these settings won't help, but if you delete it after doing all these settings, then even if it comes back later, the settings will take effect, and you won't get the annoying reminder. – Victoria – 2020-01-11T03:16:15.030


This should completely disable the Updates messages in Firefox as per today:

Method 1. Under Windows:

  • Create the following Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox
  • Create inside, a 32-Bit DWORD DisableAppUpdate, with value 1.
  • Restart Firefox.

Method 2. Under Windows / Linux / Mac / Others:

  • Create the folder distribution at the same place the Firefox executable is located (i.e. in Windows: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\distribution\)
  • Create inside, a file policies.json with this text:

    { "policies": { "DisableAppUpdate": true } }

  • Restart Firefox.

Now under about:preferences under Updates, the following label should appear: Updates disabled by your system administrator. and under about:policies.

Other policies can be modified in this way. Check the GitHub link and the about:policies section.

If you ever, ever want the original behavior, just undo these steps.

Note that none of the former about:config Configuration works nowadays for changing this.


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 197

This works. thank you. I added a bit more detail on where to put the policies.json file under macOS. – Laryx Decidua – 2020-02-09T07:44:08.787


For others, a simpler solution if you are just annoyed by that second type of notification, you can do this in about:config by setting app.update.doorhanger to false.


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 121

Any idea what else doorhanger effects? – Nelda.techspiress – 2019-07-22T19:18:07.203

1This option actually replace the small top right message with a modal window. I feel this option is even more abusive... – Brethlosze – 2019-11-05T18:06:24.533


I had the same question!

I assume that you want to completely disable the updates, otherwise you won't opt the option to disable automatically install updates option from the settings, and won't get the notification at all!

Well, actually if you truly want to disable autoupdate, you can add a policy.

To add a policy, follow the steps:

  1. Go to the firefox installation directory (for any supported OS).
  2. Create a directory called distribution.
  3. Change directory into distribution.
  4. Create a file called policies.json. And paste this code:
    "policies": {
        "DisableAppUpdate": true

Save the file, and quit the editor.

  1. Restart Firefox if it's already running.
  2. To confirm, you can go to the URL about:policies and check if there's an entry like this:
Policy Name     Policy Value
DisableAppUpdate    true

After you are done, from the Menu => Help => About Nightly you get to see this: Disabled Updates

When you want to update, you may set the boolean value to false.

Reading More about Policies

For documentation, you can read the options here in about:policies#documentation. You can learn more about how to add policies here.

Hope this helps!

Sourav Goswami

Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 239

Save the file...wherever the hell you feel like it. These details aren't important or anything. – John – 2019-11-04T04:36:19.177

"Save the file... wherever the hell you feel like it"? - have you tested that before commenting? I have moved the file to the default installation directory [from distribution/], and it's not working. In my system, if I miss any of the step I posted, the auto-updates are re-enabled. – Sourav Goswami – 2019-11-04T11:24:06.107

You don't even use a relative term like "profile folder". If you're going to spend the time helping people you should make the proper effort. – John – 2019-11-05T12:04:29.000

1I have said to go to the installation directory (please read the step 1 again, carefully this time) If you downloaded it to the /home/users/download folder, that's your installation directory. If you move it to /opt/firefox-abcd then that's your installation directory.

Note: If you don't know what your installation directory is, go to the URL about:support and check for the update directory. By default, the update directory is your installation directory.

I have written the answer in a way so that a person without any technical knowledge can follow. thanks. – Sourav Goswami – 2019-11-05T13:18:07.917

1Ah, I missed that. My apologies. I was not operating on sufficient sleep. – John – 2019-11-05T16:35:45.147


You have done the method via Firefox Menus (which is the about:preferences), but there are a few more below.

From about:config Menu

  • Type about:config in the address bar, then press Enter.
  • Search for the setting.
  • Double-click the option to toggle the setting.  If set to true, automatic updates are enabled.  If set to false, automatic updates are disabled.

Via prefs.js file

  • Close Firefox.

  • Navigate to the following location based on your operating system.

    • Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 – %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox
    • Unix/Linux – ~/.mozilla/
    • macOS / OS X – ~/Library/Mozilla/ or ~/Library/Application Support/
  • Open the Profiles folder.

  • Open the folder that represents the profile you would like to edit.  The name of the folder will vary.  It is usually a bunch of alphanumeric characters, followed by . and the user-visible profile name (which is default by default).

  • Open the prefs.js file with a text editor like Notepad.

  • Look for a line that contains app.update.enabled. If it doesn’t exist, add a line for it in the file and set it as desired using these examples:

    • Automatic updates enabled: user_pref("app.update.enabled", true);
    • Automatic updates disabled: user_pref("app.update.enabled", false);
  • (Save the file.)

Source: TechniPages: Enable or Disable Automatic Updates in Firefox.


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 4 817

in about config, is false, but the update alerts persist...? Ill look into those files – j0h – 2018-05-24T19:57:10.617

1I didn't try the js file but I can say that editing about:config does nothing: it still displays the notification (even if it doesn't install automatically the update) – ThePhi – 2019-12-05T17:26:48.773


renaming update.exe to update3.exe do the job


Posted 2018-05-24T00:00:41.523

Reputation: 1