Join three MP4 files together using ffmpeg?


I'm trying to get ffmpeg to combined three files for example Intro.mp4 Epoisde.E01.mp4 Outro.mp4

can anyone help me get the command line?


Posted 2018-05-15T21:05:02.420

Reputation: 15

Question was closed 2018-05-16T03:15:13.117


What have you tried? What research have you done? Have you read the wiki page about it? Are the files all in the same format? Do you want to re-encode?

– bertieb – 2018-05-15T21:24:47.853

Yes I did, but I don't want to use the text file, and all the videos are aready been encoded to the same rate using

"for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -ss 66 -i "%%a" -i logo.png -filter_complex "overlay=main_w-overlay_w-40:40,scale=hd1080,setsar=1" -b:v 3M "Logo\%%~na.mp4"
 – Bassel999  – 2018-05-16T02:28:17.703

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