How can I add watermark and set the output bitrate and video size, also doing bulk using ffmpeg?


I was able to add watermark to multiple video using

for %%a in ("*.ts") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i  logoCopy.png -filter_complex "overlay=main_w-overlay_w-40:40" "Logo\%%~na.mp4"

And now I'm trying to set the output to be 1920x1080 and the bitrate to 30000 and add watermark at the same time.

can anyone help, please.


Posted 2018-05-15T03:14:34.893

Reputation: 15



Syntax is

for %%a in ("*.ts") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i logoCopy.png -filter_complex "overlay=main_w-overlay_w-40:40,scale=hd1080,setsar=1" -b:v 30M "Logo\%%~na.mp4"


Posted 2018-05-15T03:14:34.893

Reputation: 21 016

Thanks for the answer it work great, But if I want to change the output size to less than 1920x1080 what I should put? – Bassel999 – 2018-05-15T21:08:34.550

scale=width:height – Gyan – 2018-05-16T04:45:48.363