Switch between multiple displays configuration in Windows 10



I have looked a lot on Internet and can't find a proper solution to this.
I have 3 screens plugged into my GPU, I will call them 1 2 and 3 for better understanding.
I want to switch between two setup without using Windows configuration display settings :

Setup one :
Screen 1 and 2 turn on, screen 1 as the main screen and screen 2 as extended to the right of screen 1.

Setup two :
Screen 3 only with screen 3 as the main display with screen 1 and 2 off.

Is there any possibilities to switch easilly between those two setup only.
For example bind a shortcut like Crtl+Alt+F1 for setup one and Crtl+Alt+F2 for setup two.
I would even prefer a way to remap options in the Project menu accessible from Win+p but so far I haven't been able to find if it's possible or not.

Edit 1:
I have try to dump the registry key with the screen configuration and reimport it, but it seems that I need to trigger some system call to make the change to registry effective.
If you know wich DLL or command I should invoke to refresh configuration modified in registry I could build a small script myself.


Posted 2018-05-14T12:25:13.577

Reputation: 371

1After loading the registry settings, have you tried restarting your GPU? In Windows 10 pressing WIN - CTRL - SHIFT - B will restart your GPU and this may reload the settings. – music2myear – 2018-05-16T15:16:49.637

@music2myear I shall try this in one hour – Kiwy – 2018-05-16T15:22:27.497

@music2myear Doesn't work – Kiwy – 2018-05-16T16:43:28.457

if you know c++, you could write yourself a small application using Device Context Functions

– Anthony – 2018-05-16T22:40:50.077

@JourneymanGeek: You just deleted the last answer to this post: "Answers suggesting software should talk about how they help, and how they are used should be more than a list of links". What can I do if I don't have the environment to test them, nor the time to write a small tutorial for each? I'm just a private person, not a large corporation with lots of equipment and man-power. The poster is supposed to to some work on his side, too, and report. – harrymc – 2018-05-24T15:08:38.827



I finally find an almost correct setup to achieve what I want. It requires no tool but you need to be precise when using it.

  • Use the shortcut Windows+P to switch to PC screen only.
  • Switch on all the screens you have
  • Use the shortcut Windows+P to switch to Extend mode.
  • Set up your display configuration in my case screen 1 and 2 extended with screen 3 turn off.
  • Use the shortcut Windows+P to switch to Second screen only.
  • Set up your display configuration in my case screen 1 and 2 off with screen 3 turn on.

Now if you are in Extend mode and you turn your third screen on nothing will happen.
If you want to only have your third screen on, switch it on and use the keyboard shortcut to switch to Second screen only.
If you want to revert to Extend mode, do it while all your screens are ON.
If you switch to Extend mode while the third screen is off it will mess up your configuration and you will have to do it again.


Posted 2018-05-14T12:25:13.577

Reputation: 371


You can use Monitor Switcher to do this with more configuration


Posted 2018-05-14T12:25:13.577

Reputation: 1