OSX Mutt Mailcap Not Viewing text/html


I have installed Mutt on OSX. I am trying to configure Mutt to view HTML emails. I have added an auto_view directive and mailcap file. However whenever I open an email in html it simply shows up as text.

My configuration files:


set imap_user = 'REDACTED'
set imap_pass = 'REDACTED'

set smtp_url = 'smtps://REDACTED@REDACTED'
set smtp_pass = 'REDACTED'
set record=""

set folder = imaps://REDACTED/
set spoolfile = +INBOX
set record = "REDACTED"
set postponed = "REDACTED"
set mbox="imaps://REDACTED"
set trash="imaps://REDACTED"

auto_view text/html


text/html;  elinks -force-html %s
text/plain; less

I thought the mailcap file might be in the wrong place so I also tried moving it to ~/.mailcap, ~/.mutt/.mailcap, and ~/.mutt/mailcap but with no success.

I have also tried adding ; needsterminal into my mailcap file for the text/html line.

I tried opening a HTML file I had with the elinks command in the mailcap file and it succeeded.

Noah Huppert

Posted 2018-05-09T17:45:03.307

Reputation: 143



set mailcap_path = <PATH>


Posted 2018-05-09T17:45:03.307

Reputation: 11