how running a program elevated


I have two computers, say A and B, both running Windows 10 , build 1709,and having :

  • current User only in Local group "users"
  • with Local Administrator Account : enabled
  • UAC : Enabled
  • Printer Sharing : Enabled

I have tried my best to kept both computers identical as much as I can. I want to run a program on both machines locally (no remote execution) with administrator rights and elevated.

On Computer A

Programs are running with elevated privileges, NO UAC message.

On Computer B

It shows some kinds of errors and UAC messages, for which I tried,

  • Running program with psexec

    psexec.exe -i -u administrator -p "password" -accepteula path\program.exe

    That exits out showing error :

    ERROR : "this operation need an elevation"
    (original message : "L'opération demandée nécessite une élévation.")  
  • Running program with Runas

    runas /noprofile /user:administrator path\program.exe

    That exits out showing error :

    ERROR : "740 : this operation need an elevation"
    (original message : "740 : L’opération demandée nécessite une élévation.")  
  • Using cmd.exe to launch program

    psexec.exe -i -u administrator -p "password" -accepteula cmd.exe /C start "xxxx" path\program.exe

    In this case, program is running as Administrator but privileges are still not elevated.

  • Now In the Running program,

    • I have to give it admin rights (elevated privileges) using compatibility tab.
    • After which program finally runs with elevated privileges but I got an UAC message.
    • So, I disabled UAC for Administrator account and Now, It runs with elevated privileges and no UAC message.

This problem is not specific to this program only, rather other applications ( such as Bitdefender, Anti-Ransomware, Fraps, Paint-Shop pro 6 ) are also showing it.

And None of this happens on Computer A.

Also, psexec options like -h or -s has never worked for me, neither on computer A. It shows an error on starting service. So on computer B, I have to :

  1. Launch it with cmd.exe
  2. Use compatibility,
  3. Disable UAC for administrator

I don't want to use compatibility and want to maintain UAC enabled, What I need to do to make computer B act like computer A. Basically doesn't show these UAC errors ?

So what could be the exact root cause and the solution for it ?


Posted 2018-05-08T12:41:26.413

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2018-05-17T03:43:59.390

AS i write, i'm only a normal user (belonging only in users local group), I'm not the built-in Administrator, i'm not an administrator user or either a power user. I disabled UAC messages in control panel, users account, UAC settings. – user34224 – 2018-05-08T15:52:14.670

secpol.msc settings are differents on A and B. Making all default everywhere and rebooting. I will tell. – user34224 – 2018-05-08T23:45:18.353

There are a lot of UAC settings in secpol.msc. And i don't understand all of them. How is there differences on computer A and B from the default settings ? i don't know beause it's personnal computers and i never use mmc. So finaly the key was to restore default values in secpol.msc/local strategies/security options. Psexec and runas are working. Make an answer so i can accept it. – user34224 – 2018-05-09T01:35:25.983



Psexec and runas didn't work properly because of UAC settings.
I used secpol.msc to see what default settings have been altered and restore them.
UAC settings are in local strategies / security options.


Posted 2018-05-08T12:41:26.413

Reputation: 1