website not showing properly on other devices


I've just finished editing my website on my localhost (starting from and after I uploaded it to the live web host using ftp, the live website now looks exactly like the local version.

but when I try it on my mobile phone the website only shows an empty page, and when I try it on any other devices the website looks broken as if there is no CSS applied.

the website looks fine even if I use VPN and/or incognito mode to access it from my computer.

I tried following the 7 steps from How to Move WordPress From Local Server to Live Site but it still doesn't make any difference..

does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

the website is


Posted 2018-04-24T03:41:08.627

Reputation: 101

Logs from the server would be a good start. Are the permissions of the uploaded files world readable? If you don't have logs, at least a listing of the files would be good to include in your question, with a mention of which ones work and which ones don't. You can [edit] your question to add more information. – tripleee – 2018-04-24T05:00:58.680

1Not sure if you fixed it, but it looks fine for me on cell and desktop. – davidgo – 2018-04-24T05:48:20.337

yes i did try editing the Authentication Unique Keys and Salts in wp-config.php. I guess that was what fixed it – dapidmini – 2018-04-24T07:17:15.700



Taking a quick look at the site here's a few things I can see:

  • The site is responsive (check by resizing browser window)
  • displays nicely on my desktop, phone & tablet over wifi or data using chrome no problem (devices are using oreo and nougat respectively)

Couple other issues you'll want to look after pretty quickly:

  • in mobile view the hamburger menu is blank (check that you have it set to display the menu you created on click)
  • in your menu the "home" link goes to a non existent page (404 error) /bose1 - it should link to the URL of the site

Best of luck!


Posted 2018-04-24T03:41:08.627

Reputation: 26