Recent search drop down location on Win10


With Win7 the recent search drop down within Explorer appeared right where you typed the text of your search. With Win10 its way off in the distance. Is there a way to move it back to where it used to be? enter image description here


Posted 2018-04-22T14:45:08.340

Reputation: 437

You would have to replace File Explorer to accomplish this goal. There are many alternatives that might function the way you want it to – Ramhound – 2018-04-22T15:09:31.513



Option 1 (Most elegant but time consuming): Edit your registry. A great article to get you started at

Option 2: A third party file explorer. Lots of options out there to "explore" ;)

Option 3: Get used to the present Win10 layout, in a month or two your mouse muscle memory might just make this a non issue.


Posted 2018-04-22T14:45:08.340

Reputation: 17