How can I share a video during a meeting in BlueJeans?


I use BlueJeans 2.5.2270 for videoconference on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate.

On I see:

Videos can be shared during a meeting

enter image description here

I assume they don't mean sharing one's screen and playing the video.

How can I share a video during a meeting in BlueJeans?

I don't see any obvious way to do so in the BlueJeans desktop client:

enter image description here

Franck Dernoncourt

Posted 2018-04-21T09:24:08.843

Reputation: 13 518

1@PimpJuiceIT Is "meeting in BlueJeans" some kind of English idiom? I couldn't find it Googling for it. – Franck Dernoncourt – 2018-04-21T20:03:41.000

1@PimpJuiceIT I wonder how they chose this name :/ – Franck Dernoncourt – 2018-04-22T17:58:48.997

1@PimpJuiceIT I have received dozens of downvotes on superuser for perfectly fine questions, and hundreds on all Stack Exchange websites… I think it's just part of using Internet :-) – Franck Dernoncourt – 2018-04-22T18:07:38.840



From the tech support (private Slack):

BlueJeans is currently working on how to implement the video share in the 2.5 version of BlueJeans. It is on their roadmap but we do not have a release date on this feature yet.

Franck Dernoncourt

Posted 2018-04-21T09:24:08.843

Reputation: 13 518