Copy files from GCP project to Google Cloud VM Instance


I have uploaded files to Google project in my home directory :

Files in my directory

I have an instance called sentiment-instance-1

I want to copy the file from google project social-media-analysis-199517 to my instance


Have tried to use the following command but got error

amiteshkesinha@social-media-analysis-199517:~$ gsutil cp amiteshkesinha@social-media-analysis-199517>:/home/amiteshkesinha/ root@sentiment-instance-1>:/home/amiteshkesinha

Output after running this command

How to copy this file. I am new with GCP and unable to find a way out.

Soumya Boral

Posted 2018-03-31T08:33:23.663

Reputation: 101



I solved it using Google Cloud SDK Shell. There after writing the following command, the files got updated.

gcloud compute scp D:/projects/Amitesh/ --zone=us-east1-b root@sentiment-instance-1:/home/amiteshkesinha/

Soumya Boral

Posted 2018-03-31T08:33:23.663

Reputation: 101