Window Outlook 2016 'from address' not replying from the same address the message was sent to


Gmail accounts let you configure the ability to send email from a different address then the account. Let's say I have setup as my email account and I want to send email from

In Gmail's Settings > Account > Send mail as: there is an option to set Reply from the same address the message was sent to. How can I get Windows Outlook 2016 to have this same behavior?

When setting up Outlook 2016 on Windows, I can add the alias such as and send email from this address, but when I get email to this address and reply, the from address is being set to the default account address such as


Posted 2018-03-29T18:36:09.613

Reputation: 123

Is your Outlook connecting to a Gmail account? – music2myear – 2018-03-29T18:56:02.460

@music2myear yes – lillq – 2018-03-29T19:07:41.883

Could you please check this and see if this addresses your question? The product is, however, 2010. I believe you can use a similar Macro.

– Epoxy – 2018-03-29T19:34:48.750

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