Send JSON using curl from bash script when JSON path supplied as variable


I just cannot understand why all my attempts failing. I try to use curl to send POST request with json to specific url when a path to JSON defined as variable:


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@${JSON_TMP}" http://some-url

Whatever I tried (putting "@${JSON_TMP}" or "@$JSON_TMP" or @"${JSON_TMP}" or whatever else) just does not seems to work!

What is more annoying is that there are no any error messages or something - I just run command and get prompt back again. On other end I can see that no json was sent.


Posted 2018-03-29T11:38:58.800

Reputation: 123

Were you trying to use JsonPath in your url? – IgorGanapolsky – 2018-04-27T13:53:21.893

"just does not seems to work" - is there an error on the server side? What about the query doesn't work? Does -v give you more information? – Attie – 2020-02-09T15:05:20.867



The following works:

body_arg=(--data-binary @${filePath})

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "${body_arg[@]}"  http://some-url


Posted 2018-03-29T11:38:58.800

Reputation: 1


curl -X POST -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary --data-binary @${JSON_TMP} http://some-url

Try with removing double quotes across @${JSON_TMP}

sukumar c

Posted 2018-03-29T11:38:58.800

Reputation: 1