Creating multiple SFTP users who use different SSH keys to connect to the same chrooted directory?


I have an Ubuntu-powered server, which - among other things - acts as file storage/hosting (powered by nginx), so that if a file is put in /var/www/, it is publicly available at

I want to restrict ability to the server to three specific users:

  • User A is the overall sudo-enabled user who has SSH and SFTP access to everything. He is authorized by his SSH key(s) in /home/userA/.ssh/authorized_keys. Essentially this is the replacement for root.
  • User B is a normal user that uses FileZilla. He cannot use SSH, only SFTP, and can only see /var/www/ when he logs in. He is authorized via SSH key that is placed in /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/userB (as described here)
  • User C is exactly like User B, except he has his SSH key in /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/userC instead

Is the above possible using chroot or something similar? User A already has all the permissions he needs, but I am unsure of how to create the two normal users who should both be chrooted to the same folder (with upload/download capabilities) - /var/www/ - so that when they sign on via FileZilla they are immediately placed in that folder. I'm also scared of accidentally breaking the existing nginx setup due to rights issues...


Posted 2018-03-28T18:32:05.723

Reputation: 1

You can have multiple keys in an authorised_keys file - and have users log in as commonusername@destip - with each one using their own key. This may make it harder to track who actually logged in though. – davidgo – 2018-03-29T09:17:35.777

@davidgo I know, but that is exactly what I want to avoid. Since we'll end up having 5-10 users with SFTP access to the same file storage I want the logs to clearly show who comes and goes – user14040 – 2018-04-04T07:58:13.530

Surely the answer would just be to up the logging? Also, you could upload files with 664 / 775 perms and have all the users in a group - and structure the file server so that you have /data/home/user and /data/www - and chroot them to /data – davidgo – 2018-04-04T09:11:46.763

Without knowing too much about sftp or ftps - I posit you could set up an ftps server using, for example, pureftp and have logging on a per user basis, with a shared directory and appropriate perms. – davidgo – 2018-04-04T09:16:49.157

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