Mate Panel Completely Gone



I installed MATE on my Antergos Desktop and right clicked on the panel → reset panel. Since then it has disappeared completely.

I have tried pretty much every mate-panel command combinations such as

  • --layout default.layout
  • --reset
  • --replace

and also tried pacman -Rn mate mate-extra and then reinstalling.

Now when I run mate-panel I get this warning :

** (mate-panel:2502): WARNING **: 11:14:32.089: Cant find the layout file!

Where should this layout file be for mate-panel to find it?


Posted 2018-03-25T10:15:51.313

Reputation: 133

While I don't know the answer to this, it's possible to install mate-tweak, open it and use the GUI way :/ – Albin – 2018-12-11T23:52:19.740



Unsolved: how it happened. Solution: Open a terminal (right click on the desktop background). Enter user command: mate-panel --replace

Tests icons and mate panel menu bar. If you get the menu bar back, then open another terminal. Enter user command: mate-session-properties

This GUI edits the startup programs. Click the icon ADD. Enter this text: mate-panel --replace

Save the edit. Close the GUI. Reboot. The result: The session will start with mate-panel populated.

The Dec 18, 2018 suggestion to install mate-tweak might help. Start mate-tweak and select Windows ==> Display Manager ==> Marco.  This is the default on a fresh install of Linux Mint 19.1.

Grant Gustafson

Posted 2018-03-25T10:15:51.313

Reputation: 36