Linux distro: How to use only part of monitor for display?


For windows this question was already raised several times, see here1, here2 and here 3. But how does it work with linux distributions? The idea ist: Instead of using 2 monitors, buy a 35 inch 4k monitor and use only 27 inch normally (bottom left rectangle e.g., rest of monitor black) and switch the black area on if needed (e.g. software development with lots of windows, where some people would normally use 2 monitors).

Anybody heard of such functionality?


Posted 2018-03-17T20:14:11.697

Reputation: 71

I know very little about this - but I wonder if the answer exists by using functionality built into Compiz (which sits below most Window managers and handles fancy monitor controls). Also have a look at - which would seem to offer some helpful suggestions and tools to control it.

– davidgo – 2018-03-18T09:15:27.727

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