How to convert a HTML page into PDF?


I have a page with a complex structure and some fancy stylings (look at those accordions etc.)

How do I create a PDF file from it, so it will remain all the info and look really nice?

Thanks in advance :)

Alexandra Seagal

Posted 2018-03-16T18:55:27.533

Reputation: 1

2You want the PDF to match exactly the webpage? My understanding of interactive PDFs is that for this to work you would have to create it originally in inDesign or something similar, rather than printing to a PDF. – plttn – 2018-03-16T18:58:13.233

What you've tried? Why that wasn't a solution? – Máté Juhász – 2018-03-16T19:03:59.480

1<Control>-<P> and then "Print to PDF"? – Mokubai – 2018-03-16T19:06:21.527

The interactive accordion thing, the photo gallery links are probably not going to get converted to PDF easily. – Edi – 2018-03-17T22:08:57.913



You could use wkhtmltopdf. Windows versions are available on the downloads page.

wkhtmltopdf chiweenie.pdf


Posted 2018-03-16T18:55:27.533

Reputation: 682

Thanks! But is there any SaaS versions or software for Win 10? I'm not tech savvy :P – Alexandra Seagal – 2018-03-16T20:07:59.683

There is a Windows version. You can download it from here -

– NOLFXceptMe – 2018-04-19T23:54:57.183


There aren't really any easy, free, "non-techy" answers that will produce nice PDFs of complex webpages like that one (that I know of). The easiest PDF-making method is just printing to a PDF using Chrome or Firefox, both of which support printing just a selection of the webpage, but neither of which can handle your page very well.

But if it's your own Wordpress site that you're trying to PDF-ify, you could try looking at some Wordpress plugins like these or these. Those will allow you to grab your Wordpress content directly and produce a PDF, though again, the good ones tend to be paid.

Niayesh Isky

Posted 2018-03-16T18:55:27.533

Reputation: 420


You can do that using some online website which can help you to for different conversation here is the link

TO convert

and specifically for HTML to PDF

For Your Specific formate

I have tried the link that you posted, and it works fine.

Ishan Shah

Posted 2018-03-16T18:55:27.533

Reputation: 81