How to split an m4v file?



I downloaded a TV season on iTunes (.m4v files), however the files are clustered into 3 episodes each. I'd like to chop these up so that each episode is in it's own file. Googling around a while didn't provide any promising leads.

What's the easiest way to split these files up?

Update: Yes, the files are DRM'd.


Posted 2010-04-13T07:33:34.093


You may not be able to if you bought them from iTunes store as they will possibly be DRM'd – Shevek – 2010-04-13T08:45:44.953

Even still, there has to be a way to split the files though, right? – None – 2010-04-13T22:03:46.890

2I doubt that you will be able to split the files while leaving the DRM intact. – Miles Erickson – 2010-04-22T19:21:22.287

Is there no free software capable of stripping the DRM? – None – 2010-04-23T02:13:48.640



Not really the most user friendly software, but SUPER can do the job, and it's free.


Posted 2010-04-13T07:33:34.093

Reputation: 10 524

"Not the most user friendly" might just win understatement of the year... but as the only option, to the victor goes the spoils. – None – 2010-04-28T02:55:24.113

@Chris: Cheers! Yeps, from the looks of it, the UI seems like it's "designed" by a coder ;-) – fretje – 2010-04-28T09:32:22.440