Blur a moving area in a movie on Mac OS X



Note, there's already a question on this regard, but it's totally useless.

I need to blur, or put a small opaque mask to a moving object on a movie I took, I am using Mac OS X. Clearly, I don't want to shell out a lot of money for something so simple, so getting Adobe Premiere or similar software is a no go. I could however consider paying a small software (max 30 dollars) for this specific task.

Stefano Borini

Posted 2010-04-12T17:05:31.793

Reputation: 2 034



There is absolutely nothing simple about masking blurry objects in video unless you shot it in front of a chroma key backdrop. If it's not worth more than $30 then it's probably not going to happen unless you have a friend in film school who'll do it for free.

Hasaan Chop

Posted 2010-04-12T17:05:31.793

Reputation: 4 224

1He doesn't want to "mask blurry objects", he wants to make a region of the video blurred or otherwise unreadable. That's a pretty simple thing conceptually. – Ken Williams – 2016-12-30T05:47:19.050


Another option is to use a tool like ffmpeg to extract all the frames from the video (as a jpeg images). You could then use any image editing software to blur the frames individually. Then, could use ffmepg to reassemble all the frames back into a video. Yes, it's a very tedious way to do this, but it's free ;)

Brad Montgomery

Posted 2010-04-12T17:05:31.793

Reputation: 121


If the object doesn't move too much then you can use iMovie. Your other option might be to use the trial version of Premiere if this is a one off thing you need to do.


Posted 2010-04-12T17:05:31.793

Reputation: 356

These two following video tutorials could be helpful if you count to do it using iMovie: and

– King-Wizard – 2015-04-22T23:54:45.963


Great video editing software for your Mac is Final Cut Pro. If you don't want to pay for that you could probably do that in iMovie.


Posted 2010-04-12T17:05:31.793

Reputation: 83