Unable to disable 3DES cipher in port 443



I have disabled 3DES in registry. Port 3389 is successfully disable 3DES (TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA).

However, 3DES ciphers are still occur in port 443. What should be done to remove 3DES ciphers in port 443?

Thank you.

Disable 3DES: Disable 3DES

3DES ciphers in port 443: 3DES ciphers in port 443

No 3DES ciphers in port 3389: No 3DES ciphers in port 3389

Edmund Lo

Posted 2018-03-07T06:45:13.683

Reputation: 11

Interesting situation. Not sure this affects RDP, (it should, since it's all "schannel" in the background anyway I guess) but please try anyway: Have you tried disabling 3DES via IISCrypto and rebooted?

– StackzOfZtuff – 2018-03-07T13:58:13.910

@StackzOfZtuff Yes, I have tried to disable 3DES by IISCrypto and rebooted, but still occur these three 3DES ciphers in port 443. Do you have any ideas? – Edmund Lo – 2018-03-08T02:18:20.453

Are you running something other than IIS on 443? – StackzOfZtuff – 2018-03-08T05:36:18.747

@StackzOfZtuff Yes, apache server is using port 443 for client to access into jedox web (a web interface of BI system). – Edmund Lo – 2018-03-08T07:23:11.747

@StackzOfZtuff Thanks for your reminder! I should mark '!3DES' on the SSLCipherSuite line in ssl.conf file. – Edmund Lo – 2018-03-08T08:47:09.093

Yes. There's also a nice generator that (among other settings) generates an old/intermediate/modern "SSLCipherSuite" line -> https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/

– StackzOfZtuff – 2018-03-08T10:38:06.127

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