Why doesn't Chrome render RSS feeds?



Chrome just shows text on properly formed RSS pages. Browse over to


for example. Firefox and Explorer show the same page in a human friendly format.

DC Coder

Posted 2009-07-23T22:41:39.687


1I discovered doing QA on my site's RSS feeds. There are versions of RSS feeds out there that do render properly in Chrome-- the NY Times feeds for example. I haven't investigated reason for the difference, hoping someone would know... – None – 2009-07-24T01:01:29.863

right click -> view source, until they fix it. – hyperslug – 2009-07-26T02:09:05.027



RSS feeds are planned for chromium/chrome. There is a bug in the chromium bug tracker for this. It looks like this isn't anything that they are in a real hurry on (the bug has been open for over a year). Of course, the alternative is to write it yourself and submit a patch. If it can get past codereview, you can get most anything in to the main repository.

EDIT: Looks like that bug has now been closed and the official answer is to use this extension.


Posted 2009-07-23T22:41:39.687

Reputation: 429

"356 people starred this issue..." 357 now. – hyperslug – 2009-07-26T07:20:54.850


There are some bookmarklets over at http://feeds.ramisp.org/.


Posted 2009-07-23T22:41:39.687

Reputation: 1 675


Displaying XML in Chrome Browser

The author of the above post created a Google Chrome extension (for the dev channel version only right now) that will render XML (e.g., RSS) into a tree like view, ala Firefox and IE.

alt text


Posted 2009-07-23T22:41:39.687

Reputation: 8 559


It's probably by design. It just means support for the RSS format was not designed into Chrome.

Miky Dinescu

Posted 2009-07-23T22:41:39.687

Reputation: 411

RSS is not a protocol. – whitequark – 2010-08-19T14:02:14.513

1@whitequerk: you're right, it's not a protocol, it's a format but for all intents and purposes the answer was correct in essence. – Miky Dinescu – 2011-05-25T20:32:58.537