Black listing methods for spamming emails


If someone gets access to your server and setup an e-mail spam service. Will the online black listing services than block this individual ip address that this server uses, or will they black list your block?

Cristian Matthias Ambæk

Posted 2018-02-15T07:57:31.183

Reputation: 133

Question was closed 2018-02-16T00:38:41.453



Either is possible, however it is most likely only your IP address would be blocked. As a general rule, the blacklisting providers don't know how big a block is, so won't know what the size of your range is.

A couple of notes - if you are in a dynamic pool, or pool associated with cheap/home connections - a lot of these are mapped out and per-emptively blocked by range by some providers. Similarly, if a lot of the IP's in the range send spam, then the spam blockers might look to aggregate these into a single bigger block.

Note that there are 2 common types of IP address block. Things like senderbase will be a temporary block and will restore your access days-weeks after the spamming has stopped. there are also RBLs which you should check and may need to request manual de-listing from.


Posted 2018-02-15T07:57:31.183

Reputation: 49 152