I've been using Chrome's built in bookmark sync which seems to work well.
Is there a way to force Chrome to do the sync as opposed to waiting for the alloted 'sync time'?
Update: Seems to sync when I restart Chrome, so that works. Would be nice to have a "sync button" equivalent..
1A restart actually does not always force an update. – Acumenus – 2015-01-25T23:15:47.707
1How is this still not fixed! I've been waiting all day, tried everything on this list and gone through several computer restarts and it still isn't synchronizing. 5 years and this is still an issue? I don't get it. – aviemet – 2016-05-10T02:05:46.030
related: http://superuser.com/questions/76408/google-chrome-doesnt-have-a-bookmark-auto-sync-when-a-user-presses-ctrl-d
– cregox – 2011-03-23T21:40:50.790Did you change your password recently. That can mess things up I've found. – Andrew Redd – 2011-06-19T03:40:12.227