Publishing Web Service returns Unable to build data connection: No route to host (425)



I wrote my Web Service and now want to host it on my Ubuntu 16.04 WebServer. But at some time I get Unable to build data connection: No route to host (425) Error.

How can I fix this problem? If I want to connect to my WebServer via FTP and WinSCP I use following ConnectionData.

Server: | user: myuser | password: mypass | port: 21 But in Visual Studio I have to connect like: Server: | websitepath: www/WebService (So it will create WebService file) rest is normal.

And VS tries to connect to instead of

But If i remove the www/WebService I will get 550 Permission Denied Error because I have no rights to create folder in / dir where www etc. is located.


Posted 2018-02-09T09:06:21.897

Reputation: 1

What does it mean "at some time"? Do you get the problem only sometimes? – Martin Prikryl – 2018-02-10T17:44:28.067

Did you keep default "Connect using passive mode"? – Martin Prikryl – 2018-02-10T17:46:42.717

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