Common encryption "tools" between Outlook and Thunderbird


My company is using Thunderbird and I'm planning the deployment of mail encryption with our contacts. I'm currently assessing encryption and am getting familiar with Enigmail.

Since our customers will mostly be using Outlook, I'm wondering if there are encryption tools for Outlook compatible with (what I'd call) Enigmail encryption protocol. In short: is it possible to exchange encrypted mails between users with Thunderbird/Enigmail and Outlook/?

I'd rather to avoid:

  • switching to proprietary tools, i.e. dropping Thunderbird,
  • forcing our contacts to switch to Thunderbird.

Subsidiary question: what about those who use Office365?


Posted 2018-02-04T08:51:05.733


@Murphy That is indeed my question. – None – 2018-02-05T07:23:34.727

1Given the requirement to understand a Windows/Outlook environment, I would suggest a sister site such as Super User or Server Fault (check their on-topic scopes). – Jeff Schaller – 2018-02-06T12:11:47.113

From my investigations, PGP4win might do. I need to do some testing. Plus getting my hands on Outlook installations...

– None – 2018-02-06T13:43:36.157



You're going to use OpenPGP in your company for encrypting and maybe signing emails, since you're going with Enigmail.

Microsoft doesn't offer a native support for PGP, so you will have to use a 3rd party implementation (I've worked with Kleopatra – Gpg4Win).

You also need to understand that since it's not native, it will not look that good as it does in Thunderbird, but it will work.


Posted 2018-02-04T08:51:05.733

Reputation: 701

Thanks a lot. Look doesn't matter in the end, functionality and portability do, much more. We'll try to make our contacts understand as it's only for a couple of specific occasions that we'll use encryption. – None – 2018-02-06T13:57:45.383