Send To Documents Copies Files Instead of Moving Them


When I right-click on a file, then select Send To | Documents, the file is copied into my Documents folder, not moved. Is there any way to change this behavior in Windows 7.


Posted 2010-04-09T17:14:59.133

Reputation: 113



Post at howtogeek offering a "Move to" and a "Copy to" option in the context menu.

alt text


Posted 2010-04-09T17:14:59.133

Reputation: 6 297


You could just push the Shift key when selecting your SendTo option.


Posted 2010-04-09T17:14:59.133

Reputation: 41


Good question. I think by default it copies the file. One way that I over come wanting to "move" rather than "copy" files is to use the cut option or a program such as Total Commander. You can actually "move" files very easily. I just keep it open all the time so it's ready when I need it.


Posted 2010-04-09T17:14:59.133

Reputation: 5 865


You can create a bat file with this:

Set MoveTo="C:\"

for %%f in (%*) do @move %%f %MoveTo%

Put a shortcut of this bat file in your send to directory and now you can right click a file and choose send to --> "your shortcut". The file will be moved to the MoveTo location.


Posted 2010-04-09T17:14:59.133

Reputation: 1


The answer with the .bat was almost perfect..but at first it didn't work.
First things first make sure that the destination folder has right for start open command prompt and make a simple move

move directory destinationFolder

If its goes well proceed else right click destinationFolder and make sure that User have full permissions.
Then make a .bat file somewhere and copy paste the code below

Set MoveTo="destinationFolder"
for /D %%b in (%*) do @move /Y "%%~fb" %MoveTo%  

Open the sendTo folder by going to RUN --> shell:sendto and paste the shortcut of the above .bat


Posted 2010-04-09T17:14:59.133

Reputation: 101