Display tracert on Google or Bing Maps



Is there a program of perhaps website that can display a list of ip-adresses on Google or Bing maps?

For instance, if I do tracert -d www.youtube.com, I'll get a bunch of IP-addresses, displaying the path my request travelled.

I'd think it funny to see this on a map, but I find it hard to enter all these IP-addresses manually. Does anybody know a program that can do this?


Posted 2010-04-09T12:54:07.983

Reputation: 4 708

I might be mistaken, but I reckon the only way to do it would be to manually upload your IP list from your tracert and have some script plot it on a Google Map that way. The reason I say this is is if I made a web site where you enter a site to tracert, it would do so from that servers IP, and not yours. – Ben Everard – 2010-04-09T14:24:50.460


Try this website: http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/visual-tracert/

– None – 2012-02-20T03:32:46.697



VisualRoute puts the route on a map, I don't know if there's an application which makes use of Google maps. Will search and update this post.

alt text

Sathyajith Bhat

Posted 2010-04-09T12:54:07.983

Reputation: 58 436


Visual Trace works too:

The visual tracert tool displays the path Internet packets traverse to reach a specified destination. The tool works by identifying the IP addresses of each hop along the way to the destination network address. To get more specific info about an IP address you can use this IP tracer tool from IP-Tracker.org. The estimated geophysical location of each hop is identified using MaxMind's GeoIP database. After all of the hops locations' are identified, the path to the destination is plotted on a Google Map.


Posted 2010-04-09T12:54:07.983

Reputation: 846