How do I disable fast startup using safe mode?


My laptop turns black, displaying only the cursor as soon as it gets to the point where it shows the Windows login. When I did my research to fix the issue, I saw that disabling fast startup may resolve it (the problem actually occurred the day I enabled fast startup, although I had used it without any problems in the past).

However, I'm not able to login, and when I login using safe mode, the fast startup option isn't there. How do I fix it?


Posted 2018-02-03T03:48:40.503

Reputation: 1 069



this parameter can be changed through the Windows registry editor 10 ( regedit.exe ). It is answered by the value of HiberbootEnabled in the registry key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power

(if the value is 0, fast loading is disabled, if 1 is enabled).


Posted 2018-02-03T03:48:40.503

Reputation: 175