What should I plug in first, my voltage regulator or UPS and why?


My UPS has the following specs:

INVO brand 
Model : 1500VA
Input :220Va,c50/60hz

My AVR has the following specs:

KEBO brand
Input :14-260
Output 220-50/60 hz


Posted 2018-02-01T16:46:11.813

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2018-02-05T13:35:05.813



It doesn't make any difference for the equipment powered by them:
Any decent UPS is also a voltage regulator, because it creates a regulated output, regardless of what the input is doing (of course, presuming the UPS battery has been charged).

Unless your mains voltage fluctuates wildly (drops too much below/above the input specs of the UPS regularly), in which case you put the regulator before the UPS and plug the regulator into the mains first. This takes a lot of strain of the UPS and prevents it from being worn out prematurely.

PLEASE NOTE: If your mains power is so bad that you need a separate regulator have an electrician look at it immediately. For house-wiring this isn't acceptable. (In industrial buildings heavy duty equipment may cause such issues, but it still isn't nice and usually a sign the power-grid is under too much strain.)


Posted 2018-02-01T16:46:11.813

Reputation: 19 919

Plenty of commercial-grade UPS devices have bypass circuitry for high efficiency operation and do not force conversion all the time (best case, 90-95% efficiency). Smaller units may combine backup power and line regulation, but most medium and larger units do not include transient voltage protection. This is not good general advice. – Andrew Domaszek – 2018-02-01T17:35:07.837

@AndrewDomaszek I know, believe me I know... I deal with modular UPS systems in the 1-10 MVA range, which we specifically tailor to various deployments. But I didn't want to overcomplicate things in my answer and as he was asking about a 1500VA unit (AKA shoebox UPS) this was most definitely in the small unit area. – Tonny – 2018-02-01T18:54:03.233


The ups should be plugged into the voltage regulator.



Most of the change in line voltage will come from the external source, normally the power company. This will also protect your UPS by providing the correct line voltage.


Posted 2018-02-01T16:46:11.813

Reputation: 9