How to update Windows behind policies (via registry)


How to update windows behind restrictives policies (who is handled by WSUS administrator) ? Is it possible to do via registry (regedit) ?


Posted 2018-01-19T12:17:28.893

Reputation: 589



Yes it s possible to update if you are administrator of your machine. Create and execute (as Administator) the file wsus.reg with the following code :

Note : The following script set the registries to allow your machine to update windows with the updates from the official Microsoft update server.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Then restart your machine and go to Windows Update Settings and check for updates.

Et voilà :)

Edit: You can have an explanation for each registry on the Microsoft documentation website


Posted 2018-01-19T12:17:28.893

Reputation: 589

1What's the benefit about these registry settings? – Biswapriyo – 2018-01-19T13:35:18.233

Do you have a source for this? – DavidPostill – 2018-01-19T22:31:04.697

I have edited my answer to add an official link and explain better what does the script file. – rdhainaut – 2018-01-20T16:25:31.417