Is there a way to send contents of a web page you are looking at via email


We live in a place where we have a slow internet connection and get charged per MB. We have unlimited access to email though. Is there an easy way for somebody to send us the contents of a web page (news article) they are on other than copying and pasting the text.


Posted 2010-04-08T01:20:16.523

Reputation: 436



They could use FireFox Send Page By Email addon...


Posted 2010-04-08T01:20:16.523

Reputation: 331


Safari has menu a menu command for sending the contents of the page via email. At least it does on the Mac. You could see if Safari for Windows has the same thing.


Posted 2010-04-08T01:20:16.523

Reputation: 84 656


amusingly enough, uucp was designed to do just that (and some still use it that way). I suppose you could use httrack to spider a certain depth down, alternately. Of course, this is assuming your 'free' e mail will let you accept reasonably sized attachments

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2010-04-08T01:20:16.523

Reputation: 119 122


I like archiving pages to .PDF format, even though I usually don't mail them.

Chrome has a Print to PDF option that can convert most webpages into PDF format. Also, PDFCreator allows you to have a "PDF printer" that can be used by any application.


Posted 2010-04-08T01:20:16.523

Reputation: 63 487