Where can I find a list of rxvt keyboard shortcuts?


I started using rxvt terminal and noticed that commonly used shortcuts are not working. Like ctrl+a or ctrl+e to jump to line beginning and end, ctrl + left or ctrl + right to move over words. I have found the shortcuts for word navigation alt + f and alt + b but what about others?


Posted 2018-01-17T11:13:08.003

Reputation: 149

This smells more like a termcap difference than rxvt per se. Try export TERM=rxvt and see what happens. Failing that, show us echo $TERM from a terminal where things work and where they don't work, and tell us which terminal emulator is running for each. (gnome-terminal, xterm, ...?) – a CVn – 2018-01-17T12:09:59.620

1Using rxvt: echo $TERM -> rxvt-unicode-256color, using lxterminal: echo $TERM -> xterm – tasty – 2018-01-17T14:23:33.850

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